Server Rules

All game and server rules

Game Rules:

DO NOT DM STAFF without there direct approval

Full map pvp with the exception of safe zones around space stations/gathering areas

Basic Terms Of Service

Personal insults and/or verbal attacks outside of specific role play situations and all forms of harassment are prohibited and will result in a ban.

Racism, Homophobia, Transphobia, Sexism, Hate Speech, and all forms of targeted, derogatory, or abusive language will not be tolerated and will result in a permanent ban.

Gilded RP is set in an alternate universe from real life. In this universe slavery does not exist, thus any type of roleplay involving slavery is prohibited. 

Basic Community Policies

Should disagreements or instances of rule-breaking occur in the game, all members should attempt to roleplay through them without breaking character. Once the scene is completed, members may then send in reports to staff. If the issue is urgent and must be dealt with immediately, such as a Zero Tolerance rule break, you may open a ticket to report the issue.

If staff deems the overall quality of roleplay subpar or inconsistent with the server's goals and values, you may be placed under evaluation by staff. If your in-character conduct is deemed detrimental to the overall quality of roleplay, you may be subject to disciplinary action, or removal from the server entirely. (bewerkt)

All weapons are lethal. This means that all weapon interactions (shooting, throwing, ships combat, Ai combat etc.) have consequences and must be handled in character as if they are real.

The utilization of glitches, exploits, hacks, third party crosshairs & aim pips, or bugs for personal gain will result in disciplinary action. There is a zero tolerance for hacking, including but not limited to resource injection, and will result in a permanent ban. If you find a glitch or in-game exploit please notify the staff team via opening a ticket (bewerkt)

General Rules
Our ruleset is intended to be clear while encouraging roleplay between players. If you suspect a rule to have been broken mid-scene, wait until the scene concludes then open a ticket.

Staff is dedicated to providing a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone within the community.

Rules as written and rules as intended are both valid aspects that staff will consider during any disciplinary action in regard to any rule, policy, or rule enforcement.

Roleplay over Gunplay

Roleplay over Rules

Characters must be 18+, Players must be 18+.

You must be in character on the server at all times. Roleplay through the encounters in front of you. If there is a rule break report it AFTER the scenario has completed. (This does not pertain to major rule breaks like hacking, racism, sexual abuse, or major harassment).

If you intend to engage in hostile RP (eg. pvp piracy) it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you record using Medal or some other platform in case your scene becomes involved in a ticket with a rule break in question.

name all your grids Unique, No grids nammed allowed with the words "Large", "Small", "Grid" or "Pirate" or "Temporary" or anything along these lines

Suicide RP, including any threats or harassing comments in the discord is not allowed.

No Hate speech of any kind

No racism/sexism/homophobia/transphobia/rape

No use of N or R words, among others.

Sexual Abuse & Domestic Abuse and/or claims thereof on an In Character Level are off limits due to OOC triggers

Sharing Items or Money between your own characters for any reason is prohibited WE DO NOT ALLOW SECOND ACCOUNTS FOR ANY REASON

Communication Standards

you MUST have a decent mic if engaging in any of the pvp sectors

However if you plan to play in the PVE sector you are not required to have a mic as long as no pvp is involved
We are an English-speaking server, you must be able to speak English to play here.

Saying words/phrases in a different language for RP effect is acceptable, but if someone asks you what you were saying, please repeat the word/phrase in English.

Submitting a Ticket

Upon review of tickets, staff will take into consideration all accounts and weigh the effect it has on future roleplay. All conclusions are at staff's discretion.

Do not stop a scene to make a ticket. Try to resolve the situation in character, and make a ticket afterwards if a rule is violated. If possible, resolve the conflict in character.

To Submit a Ticket, find the section listed “Tickets” and use the “Open Ticket” Option. Select a ticket option that closely relates to your situation and Staff will assist as soon as possible.

If making an anonymous player report, a bug report, or an exploit report, please have clips at the ready alongside your message, in order to address things promptly.

Clips, or Video Recordings, are helpful to gaining context for tickets. Provide start to finish as best as possible. Edited clips, modified in an attempt to hide rule breaks or deceive staff during a ticket may result in clips being disregarded, or taken as implications towards rule breaks.

The use of in-game exploits to gain advantages over other players or to give your character advantages is strictly prohibited.

Exploiting bugs or any other cheat will result in you being banned from the server.

If you find a bug or something that is considered an exploit, bring it to the staff's attention immediately. Not reporting this is grounds for a ban.

Powergaming is defined as the act of always having to win through any means or at any cost. Powergaming includes, but is not limited to:

Robbing or shooting someone in any kind of menu.

Using macros to, mine, craft, or anything else while AFK, or even while IC is powergaming. Do not do this. (This Dose not Include Scripts for auto mining aslong as your not afk 20 min max afk)

Being AFK in an open area or on an interactable object is powergaming. If you need to leave to do something OOC, log out, or find a secure, out of the way hiding spot and return as soon as possible.

if you are in Takua thats the event planet grids there will be despawn after 1 day.

do not create factions without a whitelist and faction ticket and your requierd 2 active members, your faction will be deleted without warning